I played this piece called 'Deckchairs and Waffles' on a live stream a few months ago and quite a few people asked for a tutorial on it - so there is now one over at the Anarchy in the Ukulele Website that you can check out for free.
I wrote this piece a few years ago and it is one of my favorite to perform. I quite often end my set on it as it is one that you can slowly get faster and faster with - you can also add some nice percussive parts to it. I'll be honest - it is not the easiest piece in the world to play - but it is great fun when you master it. The piece is taken from my book 'Modern Pieces for Ukulele' which is available to purchase from my website - but I have included a free tab in this blog. I really hope you enjoy playing this piece.
The free Tab is available here