I'm excited to announce that I will be doing a 45 minute set at Olympia in Kensington (London) on Feb 22nd 2018. It is part of the Music and Drama Education Expo that is taking place over 2 days.
My seminar is on Classical Ukulele. The Expo is Europe's largest conference and exhibition for anyone involved with teaching music and drama. There are hundreds of exhibitors and about 50 other seminars taking place.
So, what will I be doing ? Well the seminars aim is to introduce teachers to playing classical music on the ukulele. The ukulele is now one of the biggest selling instruments in England with over 250000 sold last year. I will be playing some classical pieces on the Ukulele, from my book 'Classical Uke'. I have not fully decided what pieces yet but it will probably include some Bach, some Tarrega, a little Flamenco and maybe some of my own compositions. Classical music on the ukulele is a massive growth area and its fun to be involved in any way. The ukulele is great for strumming and singing with, but it can do so much more. I will also be demonstrating how cost effective the ukulele is for schools.
This is a great opportunity to demonstrate classical music on the ukulele and one I am grateful to have received. In addition I will be on my publishers, Kevin Mayhew Ltd, stand to talk to people about the ukulele. So if you are around London on Feb 22nd feel free to pop in and say hi.