If you are a ukulele fan then www.ukulelemusicinfo.com is an awesome website that you should check out. It has a load of really good reviews of ukuleles and accessories. Much more than that though it has interviews with some great players and an awesome section on ukulele magazines. What I like about it is the fact that it does not just tread the usual path but goes a little deeper.
The section on Uke Magazines for example has some magazines featured that I had not heard of - and believe me I read far too many. It also has a very pleasant layout and is easy to navigate your way around the site.
The site is very professional. They even offer scholarships of up to $1000 for people who want to further their Music/Ukulele education. Man I wish we had something like that over here in the UK. I think that the Uke is slowly becoming more accepted
here in the UK but over in the US they seem much more advanced with their acceptance of it as a mainstream instrument. Anyway, head on over to the site and check it out.